Anthony Gerald Larribas, known as Gerry, is an internationally acclaimed artist, born in the heart of the southwest into a military family. As a military brat, he traveled to Morocco, Spain and throughout the USA which exposed him to different cultures. By the age of three, he was singing and dancing in front of audiences in the exotic places he lived. His artistic training began as early as elementary school and continued through college while a student at the University of New Mexico. His talents were recognized and encouraged during his studies at the University which catapulted his career in fine arts and music. He continued his studies in marketing, print advertising and graphic communications which further launched his ambitious endeavors and artistic vision.
During his lifetime as an artist, Gerry has delved into multi-faceted artistic endeavors.
He spent ten years researching the unique cultures found only in the diverse border region of the Southwest and released his Visual Image theme featuring the “Desperado’s” series bringing powerful images of the free-spirited southwestern woman to life by applying stunning acrylic combinations of southwest color to canvas. The revolutionary design captured the untamed beauty observed only in the Southwestern United States. Gerry is famous for his method of incorporating high fashion with contemporary “soft” western themes. His flowing style manifests the freedom, adventure and glamour of the West. Larribas’ art, created in the Western ambiance of his birthplace, exhibits uncluttered lines, open spaces and elegant flair. His versatility transforms simplicity of style into the complexity of interpretation.